Modern air conditioners include many features that impact their performance and usability. While a new remote control is easy to come by on the internet, finding an AC with the features you need is trickier. Here are a few to look for:
Remote Control: An air conditioner remote control is a convenient feature that lets you adjust the temperature and fan speed from your couch or bed.
Energy-Saver Switch: When you turn this switch on, the air conditioner fan will shut off as soon as the thermostat turns off the unit’s compressor, saving energy.
Oscillating Vents: Controlled by an internal motor, oscillating vents automatically shift airflow from side to side to allow for more even cooling.
Coil Size: The larger the coil size, the more efficiently the A/C will transfer heat.
Noise Control: Noise emissions should be under 50dB; you can find noise level parameters in the unit’s product specifications.
Filter Indicator Light: Changing the filter boosts efficiency; an indicator light can let you know when the filter needs to be changed to ensure your AC works properly.
Ventilation/Exhaust: These can allow fresh air in from outside. It then circulates in the room while stale air can be exhausted out of your home.
Manufacturer’s Warranty: The warranty covers the cost of parts and labor, enabling you to save on repairs; warranties are generally from one to two years (extended warranties may provide up to five years of coverage).
Buy an Air Conditioner Remote Today
Anderic carries remote controls for nearly every major brand of air conditioner. To receive your air conditioner remote control replacement, place your order online. Call 855-573-6683 to learn more.