As we talk about new television models coming out in 2015, we simply cannot overlook one TV in particular -- LG’s 98-inch 8K model. That’s right -- we said 98 inches, and we said 8K, not 4K. This TV is certainly not for the faint-of-heart, and its TV remote control does a great job of accessing its features. This is a television for die-hard viewers who want a true theater experience in the comfort of their home.
  • One of the best features of this TV is its amazing display. This is thanks to the 8K technology, which has 4 times the resolution of today’s 4K TVs -- and an astonishing 16 times the resolution of popular 1080p TVs. All of this resolution means you will experience an eye-popping, lifelike display.
  • Another fabulous feature of this TV is its sheer size. With 98 inches of viewing pleasure, you can watch all of your favorite movies, and feel as if you are in a theater. This is the kind of TV that needs a dedicated room, the kind of TV that practically demands a large audience simply to gush over its beauty.
  • The only downfall to this TV is that broadcasting isn’t ready for 8K resolution yet. Heck, broadcasting is still trying to catch up to 4K technology. However, technology is always improving, and it is probably safe to say that 8K resolution as a common feature is in our future. We just have to give broadcasters a chance to catch up with TV manufacturers.
To learn more about all of the latest TV models and their remotes, contact us today at Anderic.
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