The 1960s were truly the golden age of television, as the medium found its feet and established many conventions still observed today. It was the heyday of the sitcom, and also the era when broadcast journalism hit its peak and great dramas like MASH became popular fare.

Today, television viewers can enjoy some nostalgia or be introduced to some of the era’s iconic shows by using their television remotes to tune in to the many classic television channels on the tube. Here’s a list of some shows you’ll definitely want to check out:
60 Minutes – The venerable news magazine had its start in the 1960s. “60 Minutes” is one of the most influential examples of broadcast journalism, shaping the medium for decades.
Bewitched – “Bewitched” is one of the most beloved sitcoms of the 1960s, telling the story of an ad man whose wife is a witch – literally. Samantha Stevens only uses her powers for good, but her mother Endora is a different story. The mismatch of the supernatural Samantha and vanilla Darren made for great laughs and television.
Night Gallery – A little less well-known than “The Twilight Zone,” “Night Gallery” was a suspense/horror anthology that helped shape the genre. The influence of “Night Gallery” can be felt today in shows like “Stranger Things” and “American Horror Story.”
Perry Mason – This show practically invented the courtroom procedural. “Perry Mason” starred Raymond Burr as the eponymous title character, a committed defender of his clients, who were invariably innocent of the crimes they were accused of committing.
The Ed Sullivan Show – “The Ed Sullivan Show” helped establish the conventions observed by variety shows such as “The Tonight Show” and “The Late Show” today. The show also introduced America to Elvis and The Beatles. sells new and refurbished TV remote controls for a wide variety of televisions and other electronic devices. The company also provides TV stands, accessories, replacement product manuals, lights, and other accessories. The company also operates a repair service for remotes and other devices. To learn more, contact 1-877-671-7173.