At one point in time, purchasing a universal remote meant that you lost the remote that came with your TV. Many average folks didn’t have other kinds of fancy equipment hooked to their TV. Boy, how times have changed! The average household has at least three different devices hooked to a TV at all times. This means that, including the TV remote, you have 4 remotes hogging space on your couch or coffee table. The universal remote will solve all of your space issues. With it, you will have one remote that will control everything in your entertainment center. You may already have one of these and not know it. Many cable companies offer multi-brand remotes with their cable boxes. At best, you will have basic control over your devices. However, they do not offer full control over all types of equipment. This means that you still will need to retain those other remotes close at hand for when you need them. A learning remote is the type of universal remote that you will need to have full control over your TV, Blu-ray player, sound system, and anything else you have hooked up. They can clone any function of the old remote, and this is what makes them the best type of remote. Many types of remotes like this also have special features. Learning remote special features:
  • Rechargeable batteries
  • PC programming for easy setup
  • Macros
  • Flash memory
  • LCD screens
  • Touch screens
Purchasing a universal remote is worthwhile. The learning type will allow you to fully use all features that only the factory remotes allowed. This means that you can put away the factory remotes for good.
Category_uncategorizedRemote controlsRemote setup guidesTv remote featuresUniversal remotes

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