The small Apple TV remote is easy to accidently lose. It could fall down the side of the couch, be picked up by your toddler, or simply be misplaced. It is easy to waste hours looking for the little remote and attempting to find it. Rather than worrying about it when you do not have the time to look for it, there are a few different options you can utilize in order to be able to remotely control your Apple TV.
The easiest option is to use an Apple device, such as your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch, and download the Apple TV remote control app from the app store. However, there is one small trick to being able to use the app: Your Apple TV must have the Home Sharing feature enabled. In addition, both the Apple device and Apple TV have to be on the same home network.
The next option is to pair a TV or DVD remote control with the Apple TV device, which supports multiple devices. Your Apple TV device will walk you through the setup process. Simply go to Settings – General – Remotes and select the “Learn Remote” option to get started programming the remote. If you need a multiple device remote to use with your Apple TV, feel free to contact Anderic today at 855-573-6683.