is expanding the living room couch around the world, allowing users to watch some of the Internet’s best video content and chat about it in real time. The new website may be as game changing as the remote control when it was introduced decades ago. recently launched its beta. The service has been described as “Reddit meets Twitter meets TV.”

At the website, interesting videos from YouTube are curated and displayed on the interface. Viewers can watch videos together in real-time and chat with one another about them. The company seeks to build communities of like-minded individuals who enjoy watching and commenting on video content together.

In the beginning, will largely show videos from YouTube and other external sources. As the network grows, in time it will develop its own original content for viewers to enjoy. Building large social networks will take time, but company executives say the site’s functionality and convenience will be big draws for people seeking an opportunity to watch video content and share their thoughts with friends. Another key challenge is ensuring that the site picks the videos that its customers want to watch. was founded by three alums of Vice Media. is a provider of new and refurbished TV remote controls for a wide variety of televisions and other electronics. In addition to remotes, the company also provides TV stands, accessories, replacement product manuals, lights, and other accessories. The company also operates a repair service for remotes and other devices. To learn more, contact 1-877-671-7173.

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