Your Remote May Be Ground Zero for Germs

The next time you pick up your remote control, you may want to wear a glove. Remotes have been found to be major germ magnets, often being one of the dirtiest items in the average home.
Think about all the contact you have with your remotes—all the times each day you touch it, how many times you’ve sneezed on it, etc. Chances are, you’re realizing in horror how potentially nasty your remote is.
If the remote is used in a hotel or business, the grossness only increases when you consider the number of hands that have held it.
Science backs up the idea that our remotes are breeding grounds for germs. A recent University of Virginia study found that half the remotes they tested for cold viruses came back with positive results. The study also found that germs can live on remotes for 24 hours or more.
Remotes are tough to clean, as the electronic components of these devices make immersion in water or robust cleaning impractical. Remotes also have nooks and crannies where germs can hide from even the most thorough wipe downs.
If your remote is a year old or older, your best bet to reduce the chance of illness is to purchase a new remote control. A clean slate and regular cleaning may help avoid the buildup of germs. New remotes made of germ-resistant material are also available now.
Anderic provides quality universal remotes, hospitality remotes, and related gear. Shop now to find a clean new remote.