If you thought 2015 was just going to have the same type of TVs and remotes as 2014, think again. In fact, think bendable televisions. 2014 might have been “all about the curve,” but 2015 is going to bring something more. LG and Samsung will soon be offering bendable TVs -- that’s right; TVs that bend. This will give you the option of either watching your favorite movie on a flat screen or watching it on a curved screen.
The secret lies in the ever-evolving technology. The glass of television screens can now be made so thin that, if you bend them, they don’t break. Add a specialized motor, and you have a TV that bends at your will. So, is this a must-have option? Well, it depends on your tastes. If you have been a fan of curved televisions, you may want this kind of TV. It helps keep your options open. If you don’t care for the curve, then, of course, you will want to stick with your faithful flat screen.
Is the curve worth it? Manufacturers claim that it allows you to see the display at an equal distance at all points. It is also a great selling point because it makes for a beautiful design sitting up on your TV stand. So, the bottom line is that the choice will be yours. Of course, you can expect to pay a pretty penny for new technology, so if bendable TVs are successful, you may want to wait a while before investing. Hopefully by then, the prices will have gotten lower. To learn more about your latest options in televisions, contact us today at Anderic.