Take Time to Understand a New TV and Remote There are new models of televisions hitting the market every day. With these new TVs come new remotes. As technology improves, you can expect your TV remote to keep up with the times and become a bit more complicated. The more features that your TV has, the more buttons there are going to be on your remote. That is why it is important to take some time and get to know your new TV and remote when you buy it.
  • Read the instruction manual. Here, you will find the answers to many of your questions, which can save you from having to contact customer support. Pay special attention the pages that explain how to use the remote.
  • After reading the manual and gaining a thorough understanding of your new TV and its remote, take some time to examine your remote. Learn where the main function keys are located, such as the power button and the buttons for changing channels and adjusting the volume.
  • Make sure your remote has new batteries installed before the first use. Then, turn on your TV and get started with some hands-on experience using the new remote. If you are not sure of how to access a function, refer to your user manual.
Taking a little bit of extra time to learn about your new TV and remote can save you valuable time in the future. It will also help make your TV-viewing experience more enjoyable, because you will not be scratching your head trying to figure out which button accesses a particular function.
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