The Samsung PNF8500 is one of the last plasma TVs that the company produced, and it is the best-performing TV that it made. The TV was very pricey when it first debuted, but now the price has dropped due to Samsung phasing out the plasma type of TV. The TV’s design is impressive, and even more stunning are the new remote controls that Samsung developed. It is the redesigned version of the previous remotes D8000 and E8000.
The Titan Black stand is thin and extends both in front and behind the TV. It complements the TV, but it wall mounts, too. The base spans the width of the TV, which means a larger entertainment stand is needed. The TV is stable on the base, though. The new remote is small and silver with a touchpad taking up most of its length. The touchpad works excellently, and the few buttons available are spot on.
- Excellent picture quality
- Good bright room image
- Deep black levels
- Accurate colors
- Touch-pad remote
- Smart TV platform
- Four 3D glasses
- Motion and voice command
- Best plasma TV available
- Built in camera
- Very expensive
- No direct commands on remote
- Consumes a lot of power
Bottom line, consumers who can afford a top of the line TV would appreciate the PNF8500. It offers the best lineup of features that are available for a Samsung TV. The Smart TV lineup is especially good, as well. The only annoying feature of the TV is the start screen, which pops up every time the TV is started.
For more information on TVs and remotes, contact us at Anderic.