If you’re in the market for a new television, you’re probably going to get hit with a lot of buzzwords that don’t make any sense. 720p, 1080i, 1080p—what does it all mean? Understanding your new devices, whether they are televisions, media players, or remote controls is important to making the right choice.

Here’s a few facts that may help you in selecting from the many television options out there.

720p televisions have fewer pixels than 1080i televisions, but have a quicker frame rate than 1080i televisions. 1080i televisions have a matrix of 1920 by 1080 pixels. 720p televisions have a matrix of 1280 by 720 pixels. 720p televisions have a frame rate of 60 frames per second, and 1080i televisions have a frame rate of just 30 frames per second.

Confused? What this means is that 720p televisions are better at showing pictures with lots of motion, as the quicker frame rate helps make transitions between frames smoother. 1080i televisions offer greater detail, which is good for movies with lots of panoramic shots.

1080p televisions are the best option, but also likely the most expensive. With a 1080p television, you’ll see 60 frames per second at 1920 x 1080 pixels. The television will have double the bandwidth of a 1080i television – about 124 million pixels per second. Also, your television will be able to display any HDTV signal without down converting. For a top-of-the-line television viewing experience, 1080p truly is your best option.

Anderic.com sells new and refurbished remote control devices for a wide variety of electronic devices. In addition to remotes, the company also provides TV stands, accessories, replacement product manuals, lights, and much more. The company also operates a repair service for certain devices. To learn more, contact 1-877-671-7173.

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