If you’re a member of Gen X, the TV comedies of the 1980s probably hold a special place in your heart. It was a great era for television comedies, as the network sitcom hit its peak and cable began to innovate and take comedy to new places.

It’s tough to pick out the best comedies of the 80s because there were so many, but here are a few that we would stop and watch if we saw them the next time we were flipping through channels with our TV remotes:
Cheers – The definitive TV comedy of the 1980s, whose influence can still be felt in modern comedies, such as It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
Married with Children – This risqué comedy signaled the beginning of an edgier age of comedy and the deconstruction of many old sitcom conventions.
Moonlighting – An innovative detective comedy known for its great writing and quirky cast, including Bruce Willis.
ALF – Any child of the 80s will always love the furry alien from Melmac.
Golden Girls – Featuring four older women living together in Miami, the Golden Girls entertained while also getting audiences to think more about issues such as aging and equality.
Full House – A much-beloved family-friendly comedy which has found new life in a modern revival that has won a new generation of fans.
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