The average hour-long television show has about 14 minutes of commercial breaks. What are you doing with that time? Flipping through other channels with your remote control or passively watching commercial messages while waiting for your show to come back? Why not put that idle time to good use?

By using those 14 minutes of commercial time for easy household tasks, you can keep from having to set aside another time to do them. This will improve your personal productivity and free up more time during your day for more important activities. Here’s a list of a few things you can do during commercial breaks:
Plan your day – Make a list of everything you need to do tomorrow. This will help keep you organized and allow you to make better use of your time.
Make your grocery list – Take advantage of a commercial break to make your shopping list for your next grocery trip. It’ll save you from having to do it later.
Respond to emails – Use the short commercial break to respond to emails you may have left unread or unanswered during the work day. Also, clean out that inbox.
Tidy up – Toss your socks in the dirty clothes basket, put away DVDs and books, and perform a few other minor cleaning tasks. is a provider of new and refurbished TV remote controls for a wide variety of televisions and other electronics. In addition to remotes, the company also provides TV stands, accessories, replacement product manuals, lights, and other accessories. The company also operates a repair service for remotes and other devices.