Note: Some values below may be unknown or otherwise not recorded and will appear blank.
Supplied with models: BW7635, BX8730ST, DX806ST, EP7232, EP7330UST, EP7635, EP7730, EX7775ST, HD227D, LW61ST, LX60ST, MH630, MH680, ML8498, MP623, MP624, MS500, MS504, MS510, MS513, MS513P, MS513PV, MS517, MS517F, MS521, MS521P, MS614, MW516, MW632ST, MW663, MW714ST, MW721, MW726, MW727, MW80UST, MW821ST, MW824ST, MW843UST, MW855UST, MX504, MX505, MX514, MX518, MX518F, MX520, MX522, MX522P, MX613ST, MX615, MX618ST, MX620ST, MX660, MX661, MX662, MX666, MX762ST, MX763, MX764, MX823ST, MX842UST, TH1070, TH682ST, TH750, TX766, W1070, W1080ST, W1300, W1400, W1500, W750
Compatible with models:
Part Number: 1051A5986
Model Number: 1051A-5986
Battery Required (not included): AAA Battery 2 pack
Package Size (Inches): 4 in / 1 in / 1 in
Frequency: 0.00.0IR