Product help/documentation (if applicable):
Supplied with models (if applicable): 5J.JC205.001, 5J.JD705.001, MS3081, MS504, MS504A, MS504P, MS506, MS506P, MS507, MS512H, MS514H, MS517H, MS521P, MS522P, MS524, MS524A, MS524B, MS524E, MS527, MW3009, MW526, MW526A, MW526E, MW526H, MW529, MW571, MW571H, MX3082, MX3082, MX505, MX505A, MX507P, MX522P, MX525, MX525A, MX525B, MX525E, MX528, MX570, TS521P, TS537, TS538, TW523P, TW526, TW526E, TW539
Compatible with models (if applicable):
Part Number: 5J.J9R05.001
Model Number: 5J.J9R05.001 for BenQ
Battery Required (not included):
Package Size (Inches): 5 in / 5 in / 5 in
FCC ID (if applicable):
Frequency (if applicable):