Product help/documentation (if applicable):
Supplied with models (if applicable): 151102500, ANK9LP1, BQCXVZ9000/1, RUPA004900, VX1000C, VX4000C, VX5000C, XVZ9000, XVZ9000U
Compatible with models (if applicable): 151104300, BP4700023A Bulb, BP9600224A Bulb, BP9600224B Bulb, BP9600224C, BP9600224D, BP9600224E, RS1100 ALT, RS900, RUPA004900, Vision Model 65, Vision Model 75, VX1000C, VX3000 Cinewide, VX3000 Ultra, VX3000d, VX3000i, VX4000C, VX5000C, VX1000Ci, VX1000d, VX4000Ci, VX4000d, VX5000Ci, VX5000d
Part Number: AN-K9LP
Model Number: ANK9LP for SHARP
Battery Required (not included):
Package Size (Inches): 5 in / 5 in / 5 in
FCC ID (if applicable):
Frequency (if applicable):