Note: Some values below may be unknown or otherwise not recorded and will appear blank.
Supplied with models: 13BC5550, 13BC5550W, 17PF5602, 17PF5652, 17PF5654, 19EC3754, 19PC3744W, 19PC3754W, 19PC5750W, 19PC5752W, 19PC5762W, 19PC5763W, 19PC6755, 19PCU752W, 19PF5752, 19PF6752, 19PF6755, 19PFU752, 19PM4754W, 19PM4756W, 19PM4758, 19PM4758K, 19PMB746W, 19PMB754W, 19PMB756W, 19PP5762W, 19PP5763W, 19PP5763WF01, 25EM3850K, 25EM3852P, 25EM3854P, 25EM3855K, 25EM3856L, 25EM3858K, 25EM3859K, 25EM3870P, 25EM3875K, 25EM3875P, 25EM3878P, 25PC5849, 25PC5849K, 25PC5850, 25PC5850K, 25PC5850KH02, 25PC5851L, 25PC5852K, 25PC5858P, 25PF6840, 25PF6841, 25PF6842, 25PF6843, 25PF6846, 25PF6850, 25PF6851, 25PF6852, 25PM4850K, 25PM4851L, 25PM4852K, 25PM4852P, 25PMB850K, 25PMB851L, 40PW3000, 40PW3000K, FVH2507, M400, RHX169, SPPFX85
Compatible with models:
Part Number: EP62X0208
Model Number: EP62X208
Battery Required (not included):
Package Size (Inches): 6 in / 2 in / 1 in